Daily Readings from the Works of Swami Venkatesananda

Song of God (Bhagavad Gita) Daily Readings Chapter II: 67-68

February 25, 2024

™indriyᾱṇᾱṁ hi caratᾱṁ yan mano ’nuvidhīyate
tad asya harati prajñᾱṁ vᾱyur nᾱvam ivᾱ ’ṁbhasi (II-67)
™tasmᾱd yasya mahᾱbᾱho nigṛhītᾱni sarvaśaḥ
indriyᾱṇī ’ndriyᾱrthebhyas tasya prajñᾱ pratiṣṭhitᾱ  (II-68)

II/67. For the mind which follows in the wake of the wandering
senses, carries away one’s discrimination, as the wind carries
away a boat on the waters.

II/68. Therefore, O Arjuna, his knowledge is steady whose
senses are completely restrained from sense-objects.

Swamiji's Commentary

     Krishna does not encourage us to run away from the world. It is the most unintelligent way of self-restraint, even if it were possible. Nor does he favor violent suppression of the senses and the mind. His yoga is one of intelligence and common sense. Elsewhere, he reminds us that the senses will always respond to the sense-objects and foolish, violent restraint is useless.

     The wise aspirant will sincerely, silently and non-violently change his mental substance and effect sublimation of his nature. The yukta or yogi views the world from his point of union with or awareness of the reality; his inner values are radically different from the values of the worldly man. He is not carried away by emotions and sentiments, desires and cravings.

     It is not easy; the old morbid habits must be changed. Here, a few practical hints can be of use. Make an involuntary habit voluntary. Then substitute a new mental response to external stimuli for the old response. Start the new habit with the greatest possible enthusiasm. Avoid slipping into the old habit. Exercise the new habit consciously and voluntarily as often as possible. In this process, you will come face to face with the conditioning which sustained the old habits. They will drop away, unwanted. The new, healthy habits will become effortless. You will go beyond all conditioning and he established in the wisdom of God.

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